So, I don't usually write about health issues, but I came across a few blog's yesterday that were giving some really chilling accounts of people who are VERY anti-vaccine. I am one who is all for the freedom of expression and the ability we have as Americans to choose what we think is right for kids. And for me, personally, vaccinations are a part of life. They are for the good of SOCIETY. The one YOU and I live in. They are used to combat diseases that WE HAVE ANSWERS FOR. Now, if a thyroid cancer drug came out, you'd be pretty excited about that right? Cause as far as I know, there is no "herbal remedy" or "natural product" that can cure cancer. But, if some big Pharma-Giant did the research with SCIENCE ( You remember Science right? He told us that gravity is real and we exist in the world, ya know, small things) and found a drug that could do that, you would probably try your best to procure that, right? (Assuming of course that you had thyroid cancer
) Well, that's the issue. People who fear vaccines are claiming that they aren't 100% safe for children. Ok, well, what IS 100% safe? As far as I can tell, from my time on Earth, is that nothing is 100% harmless or 100% safe. NOTHING. The Pennsylvania Children's Hospital has a really good resource explaining this. ( you can find it here ) People die and get sick all the time, from all sorts of things, controlled and uncontrolled. That's just a natural downside from all the upsides we have from being Human Beings. We are vulnerable. But we CAN PREVENT THINGS. So, lets do that. Lets make sure simple diseases stay at low levels, and this, by golly, happens through science. Some diseases still occur in the United States at very low levels, so if immunization rates dropped even a little bit, outbreaks of disease would sweep across the country rapidly. Examples of these diseases include measles, mumps and Hib.People want to say they are against the Pharma companies and against big business controlling how doctors treat you. We live in a society that is made up by a myriad of beliefs and theories, all combining to form the most cohesive policy we can for our citizens. And if you want Doctors at all, you need to listen to them. If your child was in a car accident, you wouldn't take them to some quack doctor, proclaiming that some Cedar branches will fight off the infections. No, you would rush to the hospital and give your child into the hands of a CAPABLE AND TRAINED medical professional. You wouldn't think twice. It's not easy being a doctor. The years of sacrifice and long hours are merely the beginning. But, there ARE doctors who are influenced by Pharma companies. Thats where personal responsibility comes into effect. YOU must do the research. YOU must ask the questions. YOU can always go get a second opinion. These are only a few of the benefits we have. And while our health care system is light years behind the effeciency and overall fairness of the European system, we do have a wealth of very specialized surgeons and doctors. So use the tools you have. Go ask a doctor, go ask his friend-doctors. Look up things online. The research avenues we have now as compared to 20 years ago are just astounding. YOUR FUTURE IS JUST THAT, YOURS. You have the ability to make decisions and enforce those.
Now, on the topic of desicions: I came across a lady who responded to a blog post about the possibility ( and its ONLY A POSSIBILITY ) that some vaccines have been noted to be POSSIBLY linked to autism in children. She said "there is no evidence that the vaccines cause Autsim, but there is not evidence that IT DOESNT". So, by that logic, this candle next to my desk probably doesn't cause cancer, but...IT COULD!!! Yes, obviously it may. And WITH SCIENCE AND DOCTORS, we will all be able to know in the future. Saying things like that to skew your position not only doesn't make sense, it makes you look insincere. She also said she was "educated and did research". Ok.. me to....your point? What research? What study? What journal? I just keep coming back to my whole theory of the lack of personal responsibility in our culture. We always want to blame the things about society that aren't fully understood or may have a few downsides. How many people were vaccinated as kids? I know I was. And THANK GOD. And all my friends were. So we could hang out together. That is one thing I am very much against: people who refuse vaccinations on their children, and yet want to be out in public; the mall, the store, etc. Well, too bad. The rest of us did the smart thing and HELPED OUT SOCIETY by getting our children vaccinated so no other kids would get hurt. Imagine if smallpox came back. Polio. Any disease. We have gained the knowledge to stamp these out, yet some people feel like they are smarter than the people we trust with our health...yeah, doesn't make sense to me either. All of what I'm saying doesn't mean you shouldn't do your own research to make the best choices for YOUR LIFE. You should do all you can to give your children the best shot at a healthy and happy life. Thats your job as a parent. But that doesn't mean you should put OTHERS at risk because your concerned with very very very small possibilities compared to a very very very likely chance of stopping a simple disease in its tracks before it becomes a national issue. Please be aware of the numerous benefits of vaccines. I dont think we should throw our lives over to a company popping out some miracle cure, but we should believe in the system we have created. Yes, We Created This. By voting, by public action, by the way things have failed in the past and we are doing are best now so that wont ever happen again. Progress means moving forward. Staying still only takes up space.
Sorry if this is too much of a rant, just got me fired up. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY WORKS. Trust me. Take care all, HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!
Friday, May 22, 2009
A Path Less Traveled
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