Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Few Strings About Long Distance Animal Trade

Well, for me, I feel that sometimes, people who protest the way FARM animals are treated do not take in consideration the whole situation; i.e. the owner of the farms, the people who work there and make a meager living doing what they do, you get the picture. I came across and they present an idea about ending the trade of live animals from Brazil and Australia. As for Brazil, the cattle industry has boomed over the last 30 years, and is the main contributor to the destruction of the Amazon rain forest, which, as you know, is very important to our planet. But, what these guys are trying to accomplish is not to end the meat trade entirely, or to up root farmers from their homes or kill the business' in the Middle East. And I agree. I think we have the technology in our society today that we can afford and allow for meat to be slaughtered locally, to drastically reduce the energy used to transport the thousands of animals across the Atlantic, not to mention the stress and decrease in living conditions aboard the boats and trucks. I dont blame the farmers, its how they make money to live. I dont blame the shipping companies, they are doing the same thing. But, we can make what they do have less impact on our environment. Like, making better trucks that use less fuel, or the same thing for the ships. But, by keeping the slaughter close to the fields, we cut down on all of that instantly. I believe its a good idea and a worthy cause. Check out this video and leave some comments about what you think.

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